1977 Friday Dec 27, 2002

AHS Class of '77 Holiday Gathering and Bar Night

Was held in Ames 7pm Friday December 27, 2002

at The Break, east end of Main Street.

Perry Beeman email: P b e e m a n 1 (at) a o l . c o m

1942 May 16-19, 2002

AHS class of 1942 60th reunion !!

Was held in Ames May 16 to 19, 2002

1947 October 18-20, 2002

AHS class of 1947 55th reunion !!!!!

Friday, Oct 18th
10AM-4PM Hospitality Room, Baymont Inn
4:30PM - Barbecue Dinner @ Hickory Park Barbecue
7:30PM - Kickoff for AHS vs. Ft.Dodge Football Game

Saturday, Oct 19th
6:30 PM Pay as you go bar at Gateway Hotel, Group Picture
7:30 PM-12AM - Banquet at Gateway Hotel, Prairie Room, South
Sunday, Oct 20th
Say our Good-byes till we meet again for the 60th in 2007
Click here to see more details, and an invitation to the '47 reuinion, (word doc).

Bill Smith 5 1 5 - 2 nine 2 - zero 4 2 8 , email: w i l l y a n d w i l l y (at) a o l (dot) c o m
Delores Switzer Riccitiello email: r i c c i t i 1 (at) e a r t h l i n k (dot) n e t
Chuck Dodd email: d u h d (at) a l o h a (dot) n e t
Alice Blanchard Akin email: c h u c k a n d a l (at) m y m a i l s t a t i o n (dot) c o m

1972 July 26-27, 2002

AHS class of 1972 30th reunion !!!!
Friday July 26th
6 PM-12AM Gateway Hotel (Prairie Room South)

Saturday July 27th
11AM Tour of Ames High School by Mr. Ripp
12-4PM Softball game

River Valley Park (Diamond to be announced)

5PM Scheman Center (2nd Floor Atrium)
6PM Dinner
Entertainment: Music by Carol Healey Montag
Photography: By Larry Mullica Photography
Decorations: By Occasions Unlimited, Cheryl Tweed Stolmeier

Click here to see more details, an invitation, and a printable '72 reunion registration form (word doc).

Sue Case McLaughlin
5one5 - 2 3 2 - 4 zero 1 4
email: s m c l 7 2 (at) a o l (dot) c o m

1977 Aug 2-3, 2002

AHS class of 1977 25th reunion.

Click here to see PHOTOS from the Friday, Aug 2, 2002 Casual Gathering at "THE BREAK" 115 Main Street

Click here to see PHOTOS from Saturday, Aug 3, 2002 at Ames Golf & Country Club dinner.

The Registration deadline has been extended to July 20th, so hurry and register today!

Details were already mailed. If you didn't get the registration form, please download it here.

Click here to see more details, an invitation, and a printable '77 reunion registration form (word doc).

email: a h s 2 5 t h (at) y a h o o (dot) c o m

1982 July 5th and 6th 2002

Our 20th Class Reunion was held in Ames on July 5th and 6th 2002

1992 August 30 to September 1, 2002

email: r i p p m a n (at) j u n o . c o m
phone: (6 1 2 ) 2 8 one - 0 2 8 1

The class of 1992 has finally set a date for their 10 year reunion. The reunion was held August 30-September 1, 2002 (Labor Day weekend). We are looking for some more 1992 class volunteers to assist in the planning. If interested, please contact Renee Ripp at (6 1 2 ) 2 8 1 - zero 2 8 1, or e-mail to r i p p m a n (at) j u n o (d0t) c o m .

12th Annual RALLY Was Held August 5, 2002

Last year's RALLY (Rendezvous at Leech Lake Y'all) was Sunday, August 5, 2001. All Ames High graduates and anyone else in the Walker area with Ames roots are invited to this year's function at the City Park in Walker, Minnesota.

As in recent years, we'll have a pot luck picnic starting at 11:30 am until a little after two. If you do not want to eat, stop by to visit.

The City Park in Walker is two blocks east of the downtown Dairy Queen on the shores of Leech Lake. Your hosts this year are Jack and Suzanne (Wymore) Rolfs, Jack and Barb (Teig) Adams, Carol Wells) Emery, Harry and Martha (Groth) Winter and Jack Smalling.

Jack Smalling `58

Officially Old

The members of AHS Class of `55 will be celebrating their 65th birthdays in Tucson, AZ, March 14-17, 2002. We trust all you 55ers got your invitation to the party. If not, contact Sharon. Your reservation and payment for the birthday weekend events are due to Sharon by October 1, 2001. Most everyone will be staying at the Voyager Resort at exit 270 (Kolb Rd.) off I-10. Remember to make your own reservations by August 1, 2001 for the Voyager.

Among the many events planned for that extended weekend is a Sunday noon BBQ at the Voyager. This BBQ is open to any Ames High grad/spouse who plans to be in the area at that time. Help us celebrate! The more the merrier!! All non-55ers BBQ reservations need to be made by January 1, 2002. Send a check for $15/person to Sharon Fiori Foley, 3006 Kiowa Dr., Loveland CO 80538.

Early news for 2003

Class of `68 Reunion held 2003

A 35th reunion for the Class of '68, was held Friday, July 4 and Saturday, July 5, 2003. For more details call Susan (Bunce) Fraser at ( 5 1 5 ) 2 three 3 - 1 8 one 4 or check out the 1968 Reunion web site at www.mcmillen-design.com/68reunion.html. You'll also find a directory of 1968 alumni email addresses linked to the page.

Mike McMillen '68

AHS Alumni Association Past Reunions Held in 2001