Thank you very much for your continuing efforts on behalf of Ames High School alumni as founder and secretary for
Ames High School Alumni Association. Thank you again for attending the
Ames High School 1962 50th class reunion.
Carolyn and I particularly enjoyed socializing with our 60 AHS classmates and their spouses.
The AHS Homecoming football game, Olde Main Brewing Company social gathering, and Hilton Inn social
gathering were very well organized and a lot of fun. Carolyn and I also toured Ames locations especially meaningful
in my youth: my 1220 Harding Avenue home, my Des Moines
Register and Tribune paper route,
historic Ames Main Street,
Brookside Park, Collegiate Presbyterian Church, Roosevelt School, and old Ames High School.
Students of Ames Senior High, Proud of our school are we.
Cheering the orange and the black, On to the victory.
Rah! Rah! Rah!
Comrades in work and in play, Loyal and true are we.
Doing the best for our high school. Ames Hi Aims High.
Click here
for Reflections from Scott: Growing Up In Ames, Iowa
In addition to our reunion, Carolyn and I celebrated my Iowa State University 45th commencement anniversary at ISU
President Steve Leath's Installation, the ISU Varsity Marching Band Step Show, an ISU Cyclone Central Alumni
Tailgate, and a tour of especially meaningful ISU locations: Campanile (50 bells), Memorial Union (Christian Petersen Four Seasons
fountain),Library (Grant Wood murals), Beardshear Hall (central building), Gilman Hall (chemistry), Marston Hall
(engineering), Sweeney Hall (chemical engineering), and Atanasoff Computer Center (first computer in the world). We sang "ISU
Fights" and "Alma Mater" ("Bells of Iowa State").
During our very special Iowa weekend, we shared many wonderful walks down treasured memory lanes. When we moved out
Iowa, we took Iowa with us in our hearts. Carolyn so much enjoyed AHS Class of 1962 hospitality that she decided to
with us rather than cheer ISU to victory over Western Illinois. We look forward to the next AHS Reunion.
The Ames High School Class of 1962 is awesome! Thank you very much again for helping make
50th reunion so meaningful.
Still aiming hi,
Scott Feamster AHS1962 Alumnus
M A T R I X p f w ( a t ) e a r t h l i n k ( d o t ) n e t
Above. ISU President Steve Leath with Carolyn Feamster and 1962 AHS Alum Scott Feamster
at President Leath installation in Ames Iowa, September 14, 2012. Click either photo to ZOOM.
PS: Bells of Iowa State, inscription on a Bell
Then pealed the bells more loud and deep;
"God is not dead; nor does He sleep;
The wrong shall fail
The right prevail-
With peace on earth, good will to men."
-- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Written during the Civil War
From Luke 2:13-14
After living in numerous southern cities including New Orleans, Louisiana, where I was born and Daytona Beach,
where my sister Susan was born, my mother, Susan, and I moved to Ames, Iowa, in 1955. I was age 11 in fifth
We lived in a small Cape Cod house at 1220 Harding Avenue. My bedroom was
attic eves. We all shared one bathroom. I showered at a shower head in one corner of an unfinished basement; it
was very
cold in winter. After snowstorms I shoveled six-foot snow drifts covering our front walk and driveway.
In addition to regular chores, I painted the inside and outside of our home. To earn money I delivered the
Des Moines Register and Tribune seven days each week; I earned a Des Moines Register scholarship. I worked
summers doing
chores for neighbors and working in the Bitumen Research Laboratory at Iowa State University; as part of this
I took asphalt core samples from U.S. Highway 69.
I attended Roosevelt
Elementary School, Central
Middle School, and Ames HighSchool.
While attending Roosevelt I was the
school crossing guard at Harding Avenue and 13th Street, which was close to the edge of town. I rode my
bicycle on Highway 69 to Ames High School (which was downtown at that time); on winter
days it
could be a sheet of ice. I carried school books in one arm with my
saxophone case hanging on my bicycle handlebars. Big rig 18-wheeler truck drivers would blow their horns when
passed me.
I played saxophone in the Ames High School concert band, pep band, dance band, and
after marching as right guide, I emptied my saxophone bell of trash deposited by children along the parade
I also played with the Ames Municipal Band; we played summer concerts in the Band
Shell and marched down Main Street on
national holidays. In high school I auditioned and was selected to sing in the Iowa All-State Chorus, which sang
in Des Moines; at that time I sang tenor. I was elected Treasurer of my AHS senior class.
We worshipped at Collegiate Presbyterian Church on the border of Iowa State University; in addition to Sunday
every Wednesday was church night. I was elected President of the Presbyterian Iowa Youth Synod and elected to
National Youth Board. I was a Cub Scout, Boy Scout, and Explorer Scout; I earned Eagle rank and the God and
My Explorer Post backpacked the Rocky Mountain backcountry wilderness using pack mules at Philmont Scout Ranch
in New
In summer I rode bicycles to Carr'sPool
and ate hamburgers at Henry's
Hamburgers. I played on tennis courts and ice
on flooded
courts in Brookside
In winter I also skated up
Squaw Creek. I learned to roller skate
Skateland; one night I won a silver dollar, the only silver dollar I've ever won. I learned to bowl at 20th
I mastered gutter balls. We climbed and picnicked at Ledges State Park in Boone west of Ames. Iowa picnic
fried chicken, hot dogs, deviled eggs, cole slaw, potato salad, baked beans, peanut butter sandwiches, s'mores,
lemonade, and
Kool-Aid. For Sunday dinner we sometimes ate at The Fjord, a Norwegian restaurant in Huxley; I particularly
enjoyed its
pickled herring. Some Sundays we drove to Des Moines for dinner at
Bishops Cafeteria; we would later watch a
land and takeoff at Des Moines Airport.
Every Thanksgiving we drove to Cedar Rapids for dinner and cards with Greer relatives at Aunt Ethel's home.
we drove to New Orleans for a family Christmas with Grammy and Grampy; we enjoyed seeing Christmas trees through
glass doors. One summer family vacation we toured the Black Hills, Badlands, and Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota.
family vacation we toured Yellowstone National Park; to get warm in the morning, we built fires in our cabin's
Upon graduation from Ames High School, I enrolled in Chemical Engineering at Iowa State
My mother, aunt, and grandfather had all graduated from Iowa State. My grandfather, who also studied
engineering, was
first person in our family to earn a college degree. Susan entered Iowa State when she graduated from
Ames High School.
I put myself through Iowa State initially by serving meals at dormitories and sororities and by assisting
research at
Ames Laboratory. I later
became the
first Chemical Engineering co-op student and worked at the DuPont Film Plant in Clinton.
Upon graduation from Iowa State, I started work at Exxon Research and Engineering in New Jersey. I later married
who graduated from Iowa State and moved to New Jersey for work in biotechnology.
My mother was living in Ames when she died. In honor of our Scottish heritage, bagpipers performed at her Ames
service and New Orleans graveside funeral service.
I moved from Ames but Ames remained in my heart. Ames High School gave me the
foundation for my
"Ames Hi Aims High!"
Scott Feamster AHS <a href="/reunion/2022/1962/">1962</a> Alumnus
M A T R I X p f w ( a t ) e a r t h l i n k ( d o t ) n e t