AHS Class of 1973

1973 50-year Gold AHS Class Reunion in 2023

Aug 4-6, 2023 (Fri Sat Sun) We hope you attended, and had a wonderful time at YOUR Ames High School Class of 1973 50-year Gold Class Reunion!


1973 Contact

Trish Savage
Trish Savage on Facebook
email: ameshighclassof1973 (at) gmail (dot) com click email replace (at) with (dot) with . remove spaces


Why attend my reunion?

Work Won't Remember

Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 50 pixels Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 55 pixels
1973 Reunion Details
SAVE THE DATE !! The Ames High School class of 1973 50-YEAR reunion is scheduled for August 4-6, 2023 !!!
Register for your 1973 Reunion
Click this box to register or find classmates for your Ames High School class of 1973 50-YEAR reunion
Donate to your 1973 Reunion
Click this box to donate to your Ames High School class of 1973 50-YEAR reunion

Ames High School Class of 1973 will have a 50 year reunion August 4-6 2023 Save the Date     photo by kendall-scott

AHS 1973 Nostalgia

1973 #1 song US top 100 charts ANGIE by The Rolling Stones Screenshot

Trish Savage AHS '73

Is your email current?

Your AHS 1973 reunion committee wants to contact you via email, to keep you informed about your reunion + save postage.

Update your email here: view add update search. If that didn't work click contact Ames High School Alumni Assoc

Is your postal mailing address current?

Moved? email the AHSAA your new mailing address, keep the AHSAA updated so we don't loose you, click here contact Ames High School Alumni Assoc , tell us your name, current mailing address, year of graduation + anything else you care to add.

Are you a member? Easy and inexpensive to join. Dues paying AHSAA members receive 3 AHSAA newsletters per year!

2023 AHS Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 21 pixels 1963 1973 1978 1983 1998 2003 Distinguished Alum Golf Holiday 2023 Calendar Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 23 pixels