AHS Class of 2007

2007 10-year Silver AHS Class Reunion in 2017

July 21 - 23, 2017 (Fri Sat Sun) We hope you attended, and had a wonderful time at YOUR Ames High School Class of 2007 10-year Silver Class Reunion!


2007 Contact

Morgan McCormick
Morgan McCormick on Facebook
email: ameshighreunion (at) gmail (dot) com click email replace (at) with (dot) with . remove spaces
phone: five one five - 4 five zero - one 443


Why attend my reunion?

Work Won't Remember

Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 50 pixels Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 55 pixels

AHS Class of 2007 10-Year Silver Reunion

AHS 2007
July 21 - 23 2017 (Fri Sat Sun)

The Ames High School Class of 2007's 10th Silver Reunion
was held Friday July 21, Saturday July 22 and Sunday July 23, 2017. We hope you marked your calendar and had a wonderful time at your class reunion!

To see 2007 AHS photos including 10th reunion photos click class photo below:

AHS 2007 10th Reunion Sat July 22 2017

Purchase Tickets

Purchase tickets and RSVP for the AHS 2007 10-year reunion here

Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 40 pixels

Schedule of Events

More details and online registration here

Friday July 21 2017 9PM

Re-connect on Main Street, Ames Iowa

Saturday July 22, 2017 7-10PM

Reunion Celebrations
ISU Alumni Hall! Food, Dancing, and Drinking were some of the highlights of this night.
Purchase tickets and RSVP for this event here

Sunday July 23 2017 11AM

Grill Out Family Fun
We'll bring the burgers and buns you bring the fun(s)!
BYOB and Side Item
RSVP for this event here

Thank you! The AHS Class of 2007 Reunion Committee


Click here, then click Join (upper right) to become a member of the Ames High School Class of 2007 Facebook group for access to even more valuable information about the 2007 AHS 10th class reunion.

Spread the word about our AHS 2007 reunion and help add classmates to our Facebook group.


IMG_0791 2017-07-22 6-26pm Ames High School class of 2007  L-R Joseph Patrick​, Brandon Hurley​, Morgan McCormick​, Josh Peterson​, Lauren Miller​, Tiffany Tope​, Lindsay Roach​ and Anthony Ashley​ 10-year class reunion #2017jul #ameshighclassof2007 reunion photo  #13 IMG_0834 2017-07-22 7-28pm Erin McGonigle, Alyse Ridpath​, Ann-Charlotte Wade​, Alexa McGrory, Joseph Patrick​ Ames High School 2007 10-year class reunion Sat eve ISU Alumni Center #2017jul #ameshighclassof2007 #AHS2007tenth reunion photo #55 IMG_0859 2017-07-22 7-41pm Ames High School 2007 classmates take 1, l to r Jeff Hanson, Nick Romsey, Melissa Brockway, Nate Behning, Aaron Mostrom, John Alexander and Chris Simonson 10-year class reunion reunion photo #80 IMG_0951 2017-07-22 8-56pm The Girls of Ames High School class of 2007 10-year reunion L-R Sam Tucker-Sieberg​, Amber Sexton​, Alanna O'Hara​, Morgan McCormick​ and Jessica​ Howe #ameshighclassof2007 #AHS2007tenth #2017jul #171 IMG_0968 2017-07-22 9-14pm A page in the life of Jeff Hanson at the Ames High School class of 2007 10-year reunion Saturday evening ISU Alumni Center #ameshighclassof2007 #AHS2007tenth #2017jul #photobyEdHendricksonJr reunion photo # 188 IMG_0827 2017-07-22 7-19pm more black and orange baloon decorations at the Ames High School 2007 7-19pm 10-year class reunion Sat eve ISU Alumni Center #photobyEdHendricksonJr #2017jul #ameshighclassof2007 #AHS2007tenth balloons reunion photo # 48 IMG_0947 2017-07-22 8-55pm grouped around the baloons Ames High School class of 2007 10-year reunion Saturday evening ISU Alumni Center #ameshighclassof2007 #AHS2007tenth #2017jul #photobyEdHendricksonJr reunion photo #167

We look forward to seeing you all!

Thank you! The AHS Class of 2007 Reunion Committee

Morgan McCormick AHS 2007

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Moved? email the AHSAA your new mailing address, keep the AHSAA updated so we don't loose you, click here contact Ames High School Alumni Assoc , tell us your name, current mailing address, year of graduation + anything else you care to add.

Are you a member? Easy and inexpensive to join. Dues paying AHSAA members receive 3 AHSAA newsletters per year!

2017 AHS Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 21 pixels 1952 1957 1962 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 2002 2007 Distinguished Alum Holiday 2017 Calendar Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 23 pixels