AHS Class of 1992

1992 25-year Silver AHS Class Reunion in 2017

June 30 - July 2, 2017 (Fri Sat Sun) We hope you attended, and had a wonderful time at YOUR Ames High School Class of 1992 25-year Silver Class Reunion!


1992 Contact

Spenser Villwock
email: s (dot) villwock (at) gmail (dot) com click email replace (at) with (dot) with . remove spaces


Why attend my reunion?

Work Won't Remember

Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 50 pixels Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 55 pixels

AHS Schedule of Events - 1992 REUNION WEEKEND !!!

Friday June 30, 2017 Evening 7pm - 11pm

McFly's small pitcher of beer image 115 5th St, Ames, IA 50010
Conversation, Cocktails & Karaoke
Meet and greet at McFly's

Saturday July 1, 2017 Morning 10am

Ames High School Tour with Mr. Bill Bill Ripp honorary Ames High School Alum in front of Ames Hi Aims High Crest 10-16-2007 6-49 PMRipp

Saturday July 1, 2017 Evening 7pm - 11pm

Steenhoek Farm, Click for map, Ames, IA 50014

"Senior Party Part Deux"

A HUGE thank you to Chad Steenhoek and Wendy Steenhoek for hosting this awesome reunion event at their farm.

Bust out your best 80s gear and come join us for cheap beer, sweet 80s tunes and a rip roaring fire to help remember the good old days of lost innocence and ridiculous hair. BYOBBWS (bring your own beer/bottle/wine/snack) or $5/cup keg beer.

Sunday July 2, 2017 Afternoon 12 Noon - 2pm

Perfect Games, 1320 Dickinson Ave., Ames, IA 50014
Bring the family and bowl, game or shoot pool. Great chance for us to meet your kids

Food & Refreshements

All AHS 1992 reunion venues have food/drink to purchase. Bring your own or hang out by the keg with Belzer for $5/cup at the Steenhoek home


There are no fees associated with any of the AHS 1992 reunion events
Bring your own, or purchase food or beverages at each event

Please, please, please spread the word about your AHS 1992 reunion! Ames High, Aims Hi!


1992 Ames High School classmates during 1991-1992 Senior year Ames High left to right: Jeremy Moore  Scott Belzer Julie Nordyke  Chad Steenhoek and Mark Robinson Location: Ames High School in Ames, Iowa. 1992 Ames High School classmates and friends Joy Siebert, Renee (Ripp) Engeman, Meghan Sweet taken in 1992 probably before commencement ceremony location probably Ames Iowa
Click to ZOOM above photos from AHS 1992

Ames High School Class of 1992 podcast interview classmate biography series

Introduction by Scott Belzer
Growing up in Ames IA live streaming event on FB
Spencer Villwock interview
Renee (Ripp) Engeman interview
Meghan Sweet interview

AHS 1992 Nostalgia

Top Grossing 1992 Films

Rank Movie Release Date Distributor Genre Gross Tickets Sold

1 ET: The Extra-Terrestrial Jun 11, 1982 Universal Drama $321,999,812 109,523,745
2 Rocky 3 May 28, 1982 MGM Action $125,049,125 42,533,715
3 On Golden Pond Dec 4, 1981 Universal Drama $117,891,412 40,099,119
4 An Officer & Gentleman Jul 28, 1982 Paramount Drama $111,907,443 38,063,756
5 Porky's Mar 19, 1982 20th Century Fox Comedy $109,492,484 37,242,341
6 Star Wars Ep IV New Hope Jul 21, 1978 20th Century Adventure $86,753,167 29,507,879
7 Star Trek II Wrath Khan Jun 4, 1982 Paramount Adventure $78,912,963 26,841,143
8 Poltergeist Jun 4, 1982 MGM Horror $74,706,019 25,410,210
9 The Best Little Whorehouse Jul 23, 1982 Universal Musical $69,701,637 23,708,039
10 Chariots of Fire Sep 25, 1981 Warner Bros. Drama $58,787,946 19,995,900
11 Annie May 21, 1982 Sony Pictures Musical $57,059,003 19,407,824
12 Raiders of Lost Ark Jun 12, 1981 Paramount Pictures Adventure $54,135,099 18,413,298
13 Firefox Jun 18, 1982 Warner Bros. Action $45,785,720 15,573,374
14 First Blood Oct 22, 1982 Orion Pictures Action $43,187,630 14,689,670
15 Tootsie Dec 17, 1982 Sony Pictures Comedy $40,897,781 13,910,809
16 Conan the Barbarian May 14, 1982 Universal Action $38,264,085 13,014,994
17 The Sword and the Sorcerer Apr 23, 1982 Group 1 Adventure $36,714,025 12,487,763
18 Friday the 13th Part 3 Aug 13, 1982 Paramount Pictures Horror $36,690,067 12,479,614
19 Richard Pryor Live Mar 12, 1982 Sony Pictures Concert/Perfor… $34,970,309 11,894,662
20 Young Doctors in Love Jul 16, 1982 20th Century Fox Comedy $30,688,860 10,438,387

Total Gross of All Movies $2,735,720,164

Total Tickets Sold 817,676,316


Spenser Villwock AHS '92

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Update your email here: view add update search. If that didn't work click contact Ames High School Alumni Assoc

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Moved? email the AHSAA your new mailing address, keep the AHSAA updated so we don't loose you, click here contact Ames High School Alumni Assoc , tell us your name, current mailing address, year of graduation + anything else you care to add.

Are you a member? Easy and inexpensive to join. Dues paying AHSAA members receive 3 AHSAA newsletters per year!

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