AHS 1977
All AHS 1977 photos including 40th reunion photos are available for viewing. Click photo below:

Schedule of Events
Plans were made, deadlines were met, friends and classmates were contacted, presentations were lovingly created, and much fun and todo was had by all who attended the AHS class of 1977 40th reunion.Friday Sep 22, 2017
The Pre-game gathering was at the Ames High SchoolAmes High Football Game. Kickoff was 7pm
Casual gathering for socializing, appetizers and drinks was held on Friday night at Buford's Steak House (East 13th St, Ames, Iowa)
Other AHS classes were welcome to gather with our class at Buford's or the Saturday Ames High School tour.
Fri Evening (click photos)

Saturday Sep 23, 2017
Sat Morning (click photos)

10 am
Ames High School
11 am Bus Tour of Ames ( A lot has changed)
Sat Evening (click photos)

Not always happy momements, and The "Some Have Left Us" slide show was presented during the program.

We preserved a copy for you to view and remember your classmates that have passed on.

Sunday Sep 24
AHS Class of 1977 had a wonderful 40th class reunion picnic lunch at Brookside Park
Sun Morning (click photos)

Thank You
We spread the word about our 40th reunion far and wide, added 260+ classmates alumni and friends to our Facebook group, we hope you attended. We had such a wonderful time seeing classmates and friends 40 years later !! (click photo)
Thank you for such a wonderful time !!! From the AHS Class of 1977 40th Reunion Committee. Left to Right: Ann Hawthone, Cindy Northey, Julie Williams Nordin, Julie Rutter, David Litchfield, Carol Lippard, Cathy Grover Lankford, Julie Anderson Larson, Mandy Lemanczyk Ross, Lisa Buck Marino, Sarah Townsend Stevenson
AHS 1977 Reunion Registration
Registration is over, but for more information click --> www.ahs1977.comPhotos
All AHS 1977 photos including 40th reunion photos are available for viewing. Click photo below:
(click photos)

Sarah (Townsend) Stevenson '77
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Your AHS 1977 reunion committee wants to contact you via email, to keep you informed about your reunion + save postage.
Update your email here: view add update search. If that didn't work click
Is your postal mailing address current?
Moved? email the AHSAA your new mailing address, keep the AHSAA updated so we don't loose you, click here , tell us your name, current mailing address, year of graduation + anything else you care to add.