AHS Class of 1974

1974 30-year Green AHS Class Reunion in 2004

July 30-31, 2004 (Fri Sat) We hope you attended, and had a wonderful time at YOUR Ames High School Class of 1974 30-year Green Class Reunion!

1974 Contact

Ed Hendrickson
Ed Hendrickson on Facebook
email: info (at) ames high (dot) org click email replace (at) with (dot) with . remove spaces


Why attend my reunion?

Work Won't Remember

Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 50 pixels Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 55 pixels
1974 Well .... it's over
Everyone who attended the AHS class of 1974 30-year reunion had a great time. I heard over and over how much fun they had, that it was the best reunion ever. I really want to thank everyone for taking a weekend out of their busy lives, and making it such a wonderful event.
AHS class of 1974
Attention Ames High Class of 1974

So far we have about 300 pictures from the AHS 1974 reunion. Please send your pictures from the 30-year reunion weekend to p i c t u r e s ( a t ) a m e s h i g h . o r g replace (at) w @ If you can't figure out how to email them, please email to me at this same address and I'll tell you where you can U.S. Mail them to me. Yes, I still want your photos from the reunion even 20 years later. Contact Ed if you have any and we can figure out an easy way to get them here.

Hey ... 2005 UPDATE: winter of 2005 I moved the official 1974 AHS reunion website to a new home were it can stay indefinitely, and also made some good progress uploading more than 1/2 of the 1974 AHS Thirty year reunion photos here http://AmesHigh.org/1974/photos/. click that link, and look at what I've done so far and tell me what you think ( e d h ( a t ) a m e s w e b . c o m replace (at) w @ The official site contains all the 1974 AHS Thirty year reunion biographies, which are still a blast to read: /1974/biographies/biogs/. I will upload more photos later. So, please check back in about a month (or two or three or four) and see if I'm still a procrastinator or not (I'm betting I am). Ed Hendrickson Jr. AHS 1974 Monday March 21, 2005

2023 UPDATE UPDATE: In preperation for the AHS class of 1974 50th reunion to be held in 2024, I went thru every 1974 classmate biography from the 30th reunion, keeping the style, look and feel the same, as much as possible, as it was in 2004. Read yours and your 1974 classmates biographies here
Ed Hendrickson AHS 1974

AHS Class of 1974 30th Reunion !!!

Ames High 1974 classmates before 30th reunion class photo right half group photo. Sat July 31, 2004 #AmesHighClassof1974 #AHSClassPhoto #1974ClassPhoto PICT1232 #classphoto

AHS 1974 Reunion Registration List
Alphabetical list of AHS 1974 Classmates who have sent in their registration as of July 15, 2004

Albertson, Gary
Allison, Paula (Edwards)
Anderson, Candy (Matheson)
Barnett, Mark
Becker, Joy (Kraus)
Beeman, Mark
Bliss, Sue
Boon Scot
Bornmueller, Gary
Brady, Mary (Calistro)
Brink, Judy (Brown)
Briun, Diane (Lang)
Buck, Steve
Burkholder, Anne (Byrne)
Chantland, Susan
Craig, John
Crom, Randy
Crump, Peter
Dahlgren, Kim (Engstrom)
Deppe, Linda
Dolling, Roger
Dorr, Chuck
Dougal, Gregory
Dupler, Jon (Blattert)
Eschbach, Kim (Koppen)
Farrar, Kirk
Fawcett, Kristen (King)
Ferguson Kevin
Finch, Don
Finnegan, Don
Fischer, Kurt
Frey, Kevin
Gammon, Jim (Guts)
Grant, Catherine (Malliet)
Griffen, Len
Hansen, John
Hansen, Paula (Millikin)
Hathaway, Mark
Heggen, Sharon (Romsey)
Hendrickson, Ed
Hensley, Julie (Lindstrm)
Hoff, Kevin
Homer, Elaine (Whiteford)
Homer, Mark
Hough, Teri (Engle)
Irwin, Tony
Jolly, Dawn (Heaberlin)
Keller, Jeff (Larson)
Kelso, Ann (Culver)
Kepley, Denise (Wirth)
Khan, Fazeela (Thompson)
Knutson, Jeff
Landon, Julie (Huisman)
Larson, Julie (Keller)
Larson, Sue (Allen)
Lisa Ladd
Loupee, Deb (Waggoner)
Mac Bride, Dexter
Mahlstede, Barbara (Boyer)
Matters, Greg (Slim)
McCarley, Kyanne (Danowsky)
McKeown, Lesley (Olsasky)
McMillen, Nancy(Dunmire)
Meyer, Brad
Moody, Timothy
Moorhead, Jim
Morgan, David
Muir, Mary (Anderson)
Ostrem, Mark
Parrish, Randall
Pelz, Kristine (Ellson)
Petersen, Jack
Peterson, Martha
Popelka, Daryl
Reece, Kathy (Farstad)
Roberts, Jennifer
Sand, Christy (Summers)
Sassaman,Nancy (Lott)
Schlunz Kathy (Rice)
Schultz, Lynn
Shockley, Mark
Silverthorn, Farrell
Sims, Vickie (Tabbat)
Smith, Melba (Olson)
Snider, Brian
Stephon, Susan (Holloway)
Stoll, Tracey
Strodtman, Dan
Swensen, Brita (Meyer)
Tesdall, Carla (Troxel)
Thies, Holly (Anderson)
Thompson, Betty (Grinde)
Tuttle,Jan (Springer)
Vanderheiden, Mark
Vondra, Carla (Anderson)
Wagner, Allen
Warren, Robin (Hartley)
Welshons, Bob
Wilcox, Paul
Wilson, Tom
York, Lora (Shockley)

It's not too late (actually, it is over 2 decades too late) to send in your registration. We need to give a number to the banquet center prior to the reunion, so please get your registration to us as soon as possible. There will never be another 30 year reunion for the AHS class of 1974, this is it, so send that registration in today. If you are still contemplating attending, you still have time, call or email one of the committee members below. To see Bio's, photo's, and more information on the AHS 1974 reunion please
1974 Schedule of Events
browse the official 1974 AHS Reunion Web site .

Pictures and photos: Time to dust off those old photo albums. We are looking for current photos of yourself, or ancient photos of you even all the way back to Junior High or even Kindergarten. Do you have photos of the 1974 graduation, how about a current action photo of you golfing or playing tennis? Scan them in and email to pictures(at)ameshigh.org replace (at) w @ The sooner the better.

Bring digital cameras or 35 mm camera to the reunion, take lots of photos, email to pictures(at)ameshigh.org replace (at) w @ We will find a location on the web to display them all.

The 30th reunion for the AHS Class of 1974 schedule, was

Friday Evening, July 30, 2004
Casual get-together and remember when…

The Basil (formerly Chef's Inn) (casual)
6400 Lincoln Way
7:00 PM -12:00 Appetizers with a cash bar
5 1 5 - 2 nine 2 - 4 4 5 4

Saturday Morning, July 31, 2004
Golf outing…strictly for fun
Ames Golf and Country Club with a Shotgun start at 8:00 AM ~ 18 holes with cart
$45.00 per person, to reserve a spot include the fee along with your registration information
Call Catherine (Grant) Malliet 2 nine 2 - six 1 one 6 with any questions.
Or ... if you didn't sign up and still want to golf then bring your clubs and we can sign you up the night before. Talk to Catherine or Ed at the Friday night event, or call Catherine at the number above.

Saturday Evening, July 31, 2004
What has changed and what hasn't!

Hickory Hall Banquet and Event Center
Catered buffet by Hickory Park Restaurant
300 South 17th St Ames
5:30 PM – 7:00 Social time with a cash bar
7:00 PM – 8:30 Buffet dinner
8:30 PM – 12:00 Entertainment along with the great 70's music we all loved

more event info

AHS Alumni Web email database
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AHS Alumni database
Is your Mailing address current with the AHS alumni association? If you receive at least one AHSAA newsletter per year then it is current. If not, then please email your current address to the AHS Alumni Association. To receive all AHSAA newsletters click here to join AHSAA

Denise (Kepley) Wirth
AHS 30 Year Reunion">w i r t h m o r (at) n e t i n s . n e t replace (at) w @
(5 one 5 ) 9 five 6 - four 9 five 5

Catherine (Grant) Malliett
AHS 30 Year Reunion">c m a l l i e t (at) n e t i n s . n e t replace (at) w @

Jim Gammon
AHS 30 Year Reunion">j g a m m o n (at) c i t y . a m e s . i a . u s replace(at) w @

Send your bios here
AHS 30 Year Reunion bio attached">bios(at)ahs74reunion.com replace (at) w @

Send your pictures here
AHS 30 Year Reunion picture(s)">pictures(at)ahs74reunion.com replace (at) w @

Denise (Kepley) Wirth '74

AHS 1974 Nostalgia

Ed Hendrickson AHS '74

Is your email current?

Your AHS 1974 reunion committee wants to contact you via email, to keep you informed about your reunion + save postage.

Update your email here: view add update search. If that didn't work click contact Ames High School Alumni Assoc

Is your postal mailing address current?

Moved? email the AHSAA your new mailing address, keep the AHSAA updated so we don't loose you, click here contact Ames High School Alumni Assoc , tell us your name, current mailing address, year of graduation + anything else you care to add.

Are you a member? Easy and inexpensive to join. Dues paying AHSAA members receive 3 AHSAA newsletters per year!

2004 AHS Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 21 pixels 1944 1949 1954 1964 1974 1984 1994 Golf Holiday 2004 Calendar Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 23 pixels