Beth Engen-Mackey 1988 AHS Alumna experienced a traumatic brain injury in August 2011, resulting in
hospitalization from August through most of September 2011. We are friends of Beth's and have organized a committee to
her in any way that we can. We are asking for your help by joining us to raise funds to alleviate some of her stress
and help
her with expenses as she heals and recovers.
Beth owns a home in Nevada, Iowa, has a beautiful daughter attending Nevada High School and is a part of the Nevada
Beth is employed by Kockler Accounting.
Donations may be sent anytime to: Bank of the West, 525 Main Street, Ames, Iowa 50010, attention: Beth Mackey
A fundraiser/benefit was held at the Moose Lodge in Ames, Iowa on Saturday November 19, 2011 for Beth Engen Mackey
1988 AHS Alum.
Please click the following 2 thumbnail images below for more information for the
Beth Engen Mackey 1988 AHS Alum fundraiser benefit.
click to enlarge
I would appreciate you including this information to help Beth in the next 2011 AHSAA newsletter and on
the AHSAA website
Thank you so much,
Robin Tomlinson and other friends of AHS 1988 Alumna Beth Engen Mackey