Letters to AHSAA

Brian Smith AHS 1977
Appearing on Fine Living Channel 2007

To Ed Hendrickson Jr. AHSAA 1974 Alumnus and to the AHS Alumni Association

Letter from: Brian Smith AHS 1977 Alumnus

Thu Feb 8, 2007
More Letters

Hello AHS Alumni

AHS 1977 alumnus and well known photographer Brian Smith appeared on the Fine Living Channel February 9th 2007

Alumnus Brian Smith AHS 1977 with Don King

click to enlarge

Brian Smith AHS 1977 in water shooting with 8"x10" camera.
Bora Bora in the background.

click to enlarge

Thank you, Brian, for taking the time to send these great photos to the AHSAA

Watch Ames native, Pulitzer Prize-winning sports photographer Brian Smith Ames High School 1977 as he teaches a Little League mom how to become a Big League sports photographer and then finds a way to create a colorful portrait on a typically gray Seattle day.

Every parent wants to be able to capture their child's special moments on the playing field. As team photographer of her son's Little League team, Julie Livengood tries to capture those moments for everyone. Unfortunately, she's never been able to hit a homerun with her sports photos--and as a result, the team website is bare. Smith provides her with the right kind of camera equipment and some one-on-one coaching to capture the shots that will make the team proud.

FINE LIVING CHANNEL: Me vs. Me - Sports Photography - February 9th
Saturday, February 9, 2007 10pm EST/9pm CST/7pm PST
Saturday, February 9, 2007 10pm PST
Sunday, February 10, 2007 1am EST/Midnight CST

Smith got his start in photography as a stringer for the Ames Daily Tribune while a student at Ames High School. More of his work can be found on his website: www.briansmith.com and on his new blog: www.briansmith.com/blog

Check out Brian's blog for current events and information about Brian Smith

Our very own Brian Smith AHS 1977 in the water shooting with an 8"x10" camera. Bora Bora is in the background. Click photo of Brian to read his wikipedia

Brian Smith biography

See a selection of great celebrity photo's Brian Smith has captured over the last 30+ years

Brian Smith AHS 1977
3 0 5 - 5 three 4 - 3 one 3 zero
brian (at) b r i a n smith [dot] com

Thank you, Brian, for taking the time to write to the AHSAA

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