Letters to AHSAA

Hello from Costa Mesa CA

To Jack Smalling AHS Alumni Association

Letter from: Richard (Dick) Gibbs AHS 1967 Alumnus
C/O Next Relevant Step
3135 Canadian Dr.
Costa Mesa, CA. 92626

Tue Oct 4, 2005
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Hello Jack,

Sorry for the lengthy delay in responding to your request. It always pleasant to receive communication from the good old days!  I certainly have not had much contact with anyone from Ames/Nevada over the past decade or so. Thanks to my old friend Tom Wissler for passing along my contact info.
In reference to what I'm doing with my life: My life's path has been a most interesting journey that has led to the creation of a unique body of work in the field of addiction recovery as it relates to purposeful living. Currently I own a small private pay recovery program with two locations; Newport Beach and Costa Mesa CA.. Our programs utilize cutting edge mental and spiritual technologies to support clients to literally transform their lives. My personal contribution has been the creation of an educational coaching system that serves as the foundational philosophy of our work with recovering persons. In addition to our program we have a number of private coaching clients spread out all over the country. The future looks bright and it is my goal over the next year to present our creative support options to the NBA. You can reference my web sites if you desire more information about our programs.

www.nextrelevantstep.com www.transformationalhome.com

Thank you for your interest in what's going on with Dick Gibbs. It's always a pleasure to walk down memory lane with a clear view of the past, future and present!

Gratefully Living in this Moment,

Richard (Dick) Gibbs AHS 1967 Alumnus
C/O Next Relevant Step
3135 Canadian Dr.
Costa Mesa, CA. 92626


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