AHS1960 Alumnus
Gary E. Sutton spoke, November 3, 2006 to CEO Netweavers in Dallas, TX. See Gary's introduction
below given by fellow classmate AHS1960 Alumna Jane Vandecar.
AHS1960 Alumna Jane Vandecar
& GarySutton at CEO Netweavers
click to zoom
Good morning !!
It's always nice to be here with all of you! I didn't feel that way, however, when the alarm went off this
I'm introducing your speaker today because he is a high school classmate of mine!
I can give you information about him that you won‘t find on the cover of his books!
We graduated from Ames High School in Ames, Iowa – the home
of Iowa State University. Our motto, of course, was Ames Hi Aims
High! Gary, being exceptionally intelligent, realized that you can get higher if you start lower.
So - he was the only merit scholar in Iowa to graduate in the lower half of his class.
He was thrown off the football team for bad behavior.
He was expelled from school for cutting class.
He was every teacher’s worst nightmare – the class prankster and troublemaker.
Many substitute teachers fled the classroom in tears!
By his own admission, the principle and superintendent got together to try to
figure out how to deny him his diploma. In the end, of course, they didn't want
him around any longer, so he got to graduate!
Ames High School was a pretty typical small town mid-western high
school. Graduates ranged from Pulitzer Prize winners to serial killers. The serial killer actually
worked for Gary at one time. I don’t know if part of his speech this morning is about how to
hire the right people, but you might keep this in mind!
Things about Gary that you will find on his book covers are
nicer. Gary’s a turn-around CEO. He’s run printing, software, retail advertising,
aerospace, garbage, burgler alarm, satellite telecom, and data storage businesses. He’s also
chaired a private college. He’s written business
books and he lectures around the country. He and his wife live in La Jolla.
Thank you, Gary, for coming to Dallas to speak to CEO Netweavers!
The AHS Alumni Association recieved very sad news that Gary E. Sutton passed away on
July 12, 2015, one day shy of his 73rd birthday. I never formally met Gary, but
we walked the same hallways at Ames High School. I walked those same halls at
Central Junior High from 1969 to 1972 and Gary walked those
same halls from 1957 to 1960 because Ames High School became Central Junior High
in 1962.
Gary was very kind and patient in his coorespondence with the AHSAA
and with me. <a href ='https://www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/san-diego-ca/gary-sutton-6517954'>Gary</a> wrote to me about becoming an Author and what it takes
to be a successful author. The AHSAA does not normally post obituaries, because we have 28,000
Alumni, but since Gary had previously been so kind to keep in contact with us,
and I had posted the letter to the editor above, clear back in 2006, I included
Gary's' obituary below as he made an impact on me, and still does,
as I'm sure he did with so many others
-- Ed Hendrickson 1974 AHS and AHSAA Website manager volunteer.
Gary Edwin Sutton was a troublemaker and a man full of integrity, class clown and a brilliant
businessman, ruthless when crossed and a generous advisor to everyone who leaned on him, a risk-taking adventurer
and a mushy family man, a C student and a lifelong learner, a healthy fitness buff and a wine lover, a small town
farm boy and a big city sophisticate. In short, Gary was truly one of a kind and this world will never
know another like him.
Gary was born to Kay and Gene Sutton in Montezuma, Iowa, on July 13,
1942. His childhood was bucolic and involved enough shenanigans that he could entertain a crowd for hours with old
stories. He held several interesting jobs during high school and college, including male model, working at a nuclear
cyclotron, and driving cross country as the advance public relations man for race cars and a hot air balloon.
A Journalism major at Iowa State University, Gary spent more time with his fraternity brothers at Sigma Phi Epsilon
than he did in class (in fact, he barely graduated). Sophomore year, he had a blind date with
Nancy Ruth Winberg where they played drinking games. The two were married on September 19, 1964.
Gary’s career started with writing ad copy for Lennox furnaces and air conditioners. He worked his way up the career
ladder with stops at Learjet, Honeywell (where he helped invent autofocus), Fisher Price
Toys, and a variety of printing, burglar alarm and technology companies where he was CEO. The last 20 years of
Gary’s career were spent as a turnaround artist, where he would make unprofitable companies successful. He never
failed to turn a company around.
Along the way, Gary exaggerated his graduate studies, saying he “slipped
through Harvard Business thanks to their OPM program, allowing some ivy to rub off on lesser intellects,” and that
he took graduate studies at Oxford “without the tiniest shred of distinction.”
Always a writer at heart, Gary authored numerous business and fiction books, some of which were
actually published by legitimate publishing houses (all are available on Amazon, but buyer beware!). He also ran
many columns and Op-Ed pieces in publications ranging from the local fish wrapper to the Wall Street Journal and New
York Times. One column helped a judge decide to overturn a jury verdict. Another caused a CIA operative to show up
on his doorstop. Death threats and nasty letters to the editor followed several pieces. At least that’s what he
claimed – Gary was never one to let the truth get in the way of a good story.
Gary was the busiest “retired” person ever known. In addition to his writing, he served on several boards, was an
inventor holding multiple patents, spoke publicly, and generously gave of his time to small
business owners.
In addition to his wife of 50 years, Nancy, Gary’s true pride and joy were his children and grandchildren. Daughter
Stacy of Atlanta is the mother of granddaughters Cody (20) and Katy (17). Daughter Lindsay of Moraga, California is
the mother of grandsons Ryan (16) and Sam (15). Gary regaled his descendants with stupid magic tricks, told the same
jokes over and over, acted in an embarrassing fashion whenever possible, and consistently served as an inspiring and
adored role model.
Beloved by everyone, Gary left us too soon, due to an aortic aneurysm that the doctors thought was small enough to
not be a danger. He died one day shy of his 73rd birthday, on July 12, 2015. He will be missed
terribly, and never, ever forgotten.
Despite loving being the center of attention, Gary did not want to have a funeral or memorial service. We are
debating about looking skyward, saying “You are not the boss of us!” and going against his wishes, but plans are
still to be determined. Gary was suspicious of most charities, so there’s no need to make a donation in his name. If
you wish to honor him, please spend time with your precious families and realize that you may not have as many
tomorrows as you’d like.
P.S. A casual, tropical themed open house to celebrate Gary's life will be held on Saturday, September 19, 2015, 4 -
7 pm at the La Jolla Alta Clubhouse, 1570 Alta La Jolla Dr. La Jolla, CA 92037.